Another offroad riding post.

Vacation sign.

Vacation sign.

Today is the last day of vacation.  That is always such a sad statement to write.  Last day.  Funny thing is, you never write something about the first day of vacation, at least I never do.  I suspect that I am always just a little bit too excited to get started with the 2 wheel adventures.  Funny, my life revolves around 2 wheelers everyday, I guess it is only fitting then that my vacation would also.  I do have to listen to Liz bug me all the time, “can’t we go on a non 2 wheeler vacation once?”  Do those even exist?  What would be the point?  Really hard to get hurt sitting on a beach is what I usually say.  Of course there is sunburn, and stepping on a broken shell, but you know those are clearly not the same as falling into a rock garden.  Duh.

What is it with raining on the last day of vacation?  How many times has that happened to me?  Oodles, or at least a number bigger than 6.

I wish I would have thought of this.

This week was Cable MTB week.  I was supposed to also include Spirit Mountain bike park riding, but both days that we could do that we were rained out.  (Sad face).

Regardless, I have ridden 150 miles or so of great trails this week.  Most of which were done right from the front door of our cabin in Cable.  Building the cabin has been a god send for our MTB riding.  Even though we live in a part of the state where there isn’t alot of riding, I have been riding way more MTB than road bikes in the last couple of years.

Who wouldn't want a Zebra car?

Who wouldn’t want a Zebra car?

I skipped the Duluth enduro this year, which was really a stupid move.  I stayed home an extra day so that I could do a local WIXC race.  I want to support Rick and his series, as I want to see the offroad options grow for Wisconsin.  But, I am really done with short horrible courses that are stupid dusty.  I’ll still support all the good races in the area that I can next year.

So, my plan next year is to focus on the events that I want to do, and skip the others no matter what they are.  My 2016 offroad riding and racing calendar will look something like this:

Moto races:
Adams county HS and Enduro
Sugar Camp WIXC
Dyracuse HS
Marquette Enduro
Any National Enduro that comes close to Wisconsin
Any Full Gas Enduro that comes close to Wisconsin
Ironman GNCC
Perry Mountain 24 hr race - if Noah can put together a team for us.
A trail riding weekend with Pete Laubmeier
XC races
Mt. Bora Epic
Chequamegan 100
MTB Enduro's:
Marquette MTB enduro
Copper Harbor MTB enduro
Duluth MTB enduro
5-7 southern Wi. Cyclocross races
At least: 
4 days of epic MTB riding with Lloyd in the Alpes
3 days at Whistler MTB park
3 days at Fruita

Shasba nanu nanu.




Found some rocks.

Found some rocks.

Found some IPA

Found some IPA

My bike

My bike

Liz and Kathy.  riding buddies.

Liz and Kathy. riding buddies.

Delta Diner.

Delta Diner.

The Mock riding crew.

The Mock riding crew.

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