22 days till snowshoe – going GNCC racing again!

It has been a long summer. If you have been reading along this summer, you have noticed that there really has not been that much motorcycle riding and racing. Summer has become about cycling for me. There really aren’t any races between early July and September. But, September is now just around the corner.

In fact, the GNCC circus starts back up in 20 days for us. We will leave Wisconsin in the van on Sept 12, to make the drive to Snowshoe WV. Google maps says that Snowshoe is 806 miles from my house. Candy,  our stripper voice GPS unit will be along for the ride, telling us where to turn, and where to find Subway sandwiches along the way, and coercing us back on course when we take a flyer.  I know one thing, we will get a lot of windshield time, just like in the spring.

I cannot wait!

We had 2 really busy weeks at work, that just ended this past week. That kept me from doing any kind of riding or training. I got back to it this week. I rode my bicycle everyday, got back to swimming twice a week and working out in the gym, but most importantly on Wednesday I went to Dyracuse and rode my RM250 for 2 hours.  Oh my god, epiphany.

I really sucked and I was slow on the bike. My timing was completely off. I did not have the ability to focus and make the bike go fast. I must have had 6 stupid little tip overs in the 2 hours. At 2’05”, I was completely destroyed. My hands hurt, my knees hurt. That was it for me. I can only get better from there, I suppose.

Friday I did a core workout in the gym, and a mountain bike ride at lunch time. Saturday I did a 2 hour mountain bike ride. Today, I did another 2 hour training ride at Dyracuse on the motorcycle. Scott and I rode for a bit, then ran into Chuck Gerritsen and his friends.  They were going well, and we tucked in with them for about an hour.  It was a dusty train.  After a quick bite to eat, Scott and I both headed out for another hour of riding.  In the end, I rode for 3 hours and was completely destroyed afterward.

I should be able to have a decent week of training this week that will include a motorcycle day on Wednesday, and then next weekend I will have 3 days to go hard, including a 3 hour motorcycle ride a 3 hour road bicycle ride and a 3 hour mountain bike ride.

Then, I will do a local D16 HS race on the first weekend of September.  The race is in Kewaunee Wi., and is really fast.  So, it should be good prep for a GNCC race.  But, that is all the time that I have before then, because I also have a European business trip that I have to make in between now and the Snowshoe race.  Ugh.

As of right now, I am starting to feel ready.  I am a little bit worried about Snowshoe, as the reputation of the place precedes it.  It will probably be rocky and fast and technical.  Should be fun.

Thats it for me.  Over and out.


One response to “22 days till snowshoe – going GNCC racing again!

  1. You need some more olive pesto, I’m sure.

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