30 days and counting!

In exactly 30 days, the flag will go up on the 2008 GNCC season! Scott and I will be there on the line, along with a bunch of other racers.

Things are almost together. I pretty much finished up my race bike this weekend. Here it is, without number graphics yet though, those will be here this week.

Joe’s race bike without numbers

Joe’s race bike without numbers




Here are our official GNCC number plates!

jv_303.jpg sd_304.jpg

Since Scott and I race different classes, his number backgrounds are white and mine are yellow. Those number plates will top off our graphics. The GNCC office did us a huge favor by getting us those numbers early. Our bikes are going to the Indianapolis motorcycle dealer show this weekend. One of them should be on display in the Vesrah booth the other in the Pirelli booth.

Jason Weigandt mentioned our website again in the Quickfill story on the GNCC website. That has driven a bunch of visitors to our website. And just like our blog site, will probably put it on a lot of peoples regular routine. That is cool.

As I sit here looking out the window on the biggest winter we have ever had here in Wisconsin, it is hard to imagine that in just 30 days we will be racing. The guys in Florida and the rest of the south, of course, are going to be prepared and ready to race on March 4. We will be mentally ready to race and we are both physically fit ready, but March 4 is really early. It will be about my 3rd actual ride on a motorcycle since fall. Yow! My hands are going to be destroyed.

I made a bunch of updates to our main website this week. If you have not checked it out, you should. http://www.vesrahsuzukignccamateurs.com

Other than that, start crossing off the days on your calendar.


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