getting closer – still

Every day the calendar turns over another day.  Every day, the Florida sand whoops get a little bit closer.

Things moved really quickly this week.  This was week 4 in my training program that Mary Daubert did up for me.  It was a super hard week.  2 a day workouts every day except Thursday, which was just one workout, but that one workout was a really hard trainer workout in the morning.   Today (Saturday) was actually a 2 hour trainer workout.  It was my first volume day toward the season.

This week, we had 4 IMS tanks show up and 4 FMF Fatty pipes arrive.  That pretty much completes all of the parts that we need for our bikes.  We are still waiting for AJ at Victory Graphics to finish  up our graphics, and the rest of our seasons worth of plastic from Cycra, but in general all of our stuff for bikes and riders is here.

We are almost done with the van as well.  We just have the huge lock for the back doors, some bars for the windows in the back, cruise control and finish up the stereo – then the van will be complete.

Today we had to go and pick up our 2 race bikes.  I had to run down to Illinois to pick up one, and Scott had to pick up one here in Wisconsin.  I have this love/hate relationship with Illinois.  I don’t understand the place.  It always appears flat and desolate to me.  The place is a study in contradictions.  Bill Gusse puts on really good races, but I don’t understand why no one down there uses electronic scoring.  Writing on the top of fenders seems so archaic and unreliable.  When you are from Wisconsin, you develop this almost innate mistrust of everything Illinois.  It is irrational I know, but just sort of comes with living here.  We are cheese heads, and they are fibs.  In reality, almost everyone that I meet from Illinois, I find that I like.  But, in the end the place just seems so – flat, yet when you do a race there it will always have a really big hill included somehow.

Anyway, 2 virgin new bikes are here to be built in race bikes.   The suspension was stripped off today to be sent back on Monday to Factory Connection.  Everything  else will go back together the weekend after next when the suspension is back.

photos to come!


One response to “getting closer – still

  1. I find that in addition to feeling that way about Illinois, I feel that way about most other States as well. At least I’m consistent.

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